Evaluation and Assessment

During the assessment session we will use standardized and non-standardized tests. We also use observational assessments. Each assessment is prepared and addressed to the individual needs of your child/adult.

In order to obtain more information about the child or adult we will ask you to complete an Initial History. 

Our Full Assessment

This includes a 90-120 minutes assessment, a detailed report with recommendations and a telephone or face to face feedback meeting.It includes assessment of:

  • Fine Motor skills: precise assessment of finger strengths and coordination.
  • Handwriting:
  • Gross Motor Skills
  • Sensory processing: taste, vision, smell, hearing and touch, as well as the internal senses; proprioception and vestibular will be observed and analyze through the assessment. 
  • Organisational skills : planning, problem solving and memory.
  • Visual Perceptual skills: child ability to recognise and attach meaning to different information from our environment. 
  • Cognitive skills: this refers to child attention and concentration, sequencing, memory and problem solving. 
  • Neuromuscular development: this part will help us to understand how the child react to balance, eye-hand coordination, muscle tone and posture. 

Which Standardized tests do we use during the Assessment?

The Test of Visual Motor Integration – 6th Ed. (Beery and Beery)
The test of visual motor integration is one in which the child is required to copy a set of geometric figures.  This test gives information on the child’s ability to translate what he or she sees into a motor act.

The test of Visual Perception- 6th Ed.
The test of visual perception is one in which the child is required to select the same geometric figure that the therapist will show her or him out of a set of different geometric figures.  This test gives information how the child perceive the shape, form and ability to identify and match the required shape. 

The test of Motor Coordination- 6th Ed.
The test of motor coordination is one in which the child is required to draw a line between a set of geometric figures.

DTVP-3 Developmental Test of Visual Perception Third Edition
Developmental Test of Visual Perception Third Edition provides assessment of visual perception and visual-motor integration. This tests has five subtests.

  • Eye-Hand Coordination: Children are required to draw precise straight or curved lines in accordance with visual boundaries.
  • Copying: Children are shown a simple figure and asked to draw it on a piece of paper. The figure serves as a model for the drawing. Subsequent figures are increasingly complex.
  • Figure-Ground: Children are shown stimulus figures and asked to find as many of the figures as they can on a page where the figures are hidden in a complex, confusing background.
  • Visual Closure: Children are shown a stimulus figure and asked to select the exact figure from a series of figures that have been incompletely drawn. In order to complete the match, children have to mentally supply the missing parts of the figures in the series.
  • Form Constancy: Children are shown a stimulus figure and asked to find it in a series of figures. The targeted figure will have a different size, position, and/or shade, and it may be hidden in a distracting background.

The Detailed Assessment of Speed of Handwriting (DASH)
The Detailed Assessment of Speed of Handwriting (DASH) is used to analyse the speed and legibility of a person’s handwriting. The DASH assessment identifies words per minute in relation to national averages, under both test and non-test conditions. This gives a more accurate description of why the child is struggling to write legibly and at a normal speed. 

This assessment includes four subtests:

  1. Copy Best
  2. Alphabet Writing
  3. Copy Fast
  4. Free Writing

The subtests examine fine motor and precision skills, the speed of producing well known symbolic material, the ability to alter speed of performance on two tasks with identical content and free writing competency. It is normed on youngster aged 9 up to 16 years 11 months. 

The Sensory Profile Caregiver Questionnaire
The Sensory Profile Caregiver Questionnaire assesses and organizes examinee information, generates scores, and produces accurate, comprehensive reports. These significantly revised questionnaires provide caregivers and teachers with deeper insight to help customize the next steps of intervention.

The Sensory Profile provides a general sensory information about your child or adult. During the Assessment the parents are asked to answer with “Always”, “Frequently”, “Occasionally”, “Seldom”, or “Never” to different questions separeted by different Sensory Areas. 

DCDQ Questionnaire
The Developmental Coordination Questionnaire (DCDQ) is a parent report measure developed to assist in the identification of Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) in children.

As outlined above, the DCDQ cannot be used alone to identify DCD. When using the questionnaire in a verbal or written report about a child, the terms “indication of possible DCD“, “suspect for DCD“, or “probably not DCD“ should be used, as this test alone cannot be used to diagnose DCD.

ADI-R Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised

ADI-R is an extended interview designed to provide to a full range of infromation need to produce a diagnosis of Autism and to assist in the assessment of related disorders refferred to as Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs).