Lisa Shchyhel


Personal Details
Therapist NameLisa Shchyhel
Primary Specialty
Experience6+ Years
Education & Training
Medical EducationLa Salle, AUM, Spain
Practice AreasPaediatrics, Autism, Oral Motor.

Social Media


Founder and CEO of Panasséa/ Specialised Padovan Therapist

Founder and CEO of Panasséa/ Specialised Padovan Therapist

Lisa Shchyhel is an Occupational Therapist, specialised in Padovan therapy and founder of Panasséa. She has been working with children with special needs since 2014. Passionate about her work, Lisa has focused her profession in paediatric area, working with children with different conditions and syndromes. She loves helping children and adults of all the ages to achieve their full potential. She believes that with good persistence and knowledge we can do great changes to address challenges and be more close to independency.

She got graduated in Occupational Therapy by Autonomous University of Madrid, CSEU La Salle, Spain in 2014 and it was at the same moment when her fruitful journey as an OT had started. Since the beginning of her career she knew it will be more than a profession. 

Lisa felt fulfilled with Padovan Method, in fact she was named as Therapist of Reference since 2018. She is also Master Degree in Autism Spectrum Disorder since 2019. Lisa attended Early Intervention course by Nebrija University, Spain, the Professional course on Greenspan Floortime Approach with Dr. Stanley Greenspan.

Currently Lisa is working on developing online courses to bring more awareness about oral motor skills and speech delays.